Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Peace & Culture

"Peace and culture are like two sides of a coin. Without peace, there can be no culture. When culture flourishes, peace unfolds. I'm not talking about fleeting or hedonistic culture, but culture that brings out the most noble qualities in human beings; lofty culture created by people who believe in the innate goodness of humankind and strive together to approach something eternal.”
- Daisaku Ikeda


"The world is like a flower. Each nation is a petal of this flower. Qualities such as love, sympathy and generosity are not meant only for individuals - they should become the hallmark of each nation and the soul of society. It is possible to realize the underlying unity of humanity while still being part of different religions, societies, races, cultures and nations - in fact we are meant to do so. Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. Where awareness of this love exists, peace alone will reign."
"Only those who experience true peace within themselves can give peace to others. Until we rid ourselves of our own hatred and hostility, all our attempts to achieve everlasting peace are bound to fail. The key to world peace lies with every individual residing on this planet."
"Today we are able to air-condition the external world but we have yet to learn how to air-condition the mind. We need to purify our mental environment. A lasting and positive transformation in society can be brought about only by correcting the human mind."

- Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi) at the Millennium Peace Summit, The United Nations, 2000

Espiritualidade é a integração de Consciência em todos os planos

“Espiritualidade’ não se trata só de assuntos metafísicos – assuntos transcendentes – ou de preocupações remotas dos assuntos do dia-a-dia. Muito pelo contrário, a espiritualidade, de facto trata-se de aperfeiçoar a vida do dia-a-dia.”
Rudolf Steiner